Actress Vidya Balan made a short visit to Delhi on Sunday for good friend and designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee's grand finale show at the Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW), but since the visit was just to support Sabya, she left within 15 minutes of the show ending.
Before she left, we managed to chat with her for a few minutes as compliments poured in for her dance moves with Australian actor Hugh Jackmanduring the recent FICCI event in Mumbai.
Referring to that dance with Hugh, she said, "I knew he'd be there, but I didn't know he'd give me that award. I was telling everyone I'll get married tonight and come, but I never thought I'd get the opportunity to shake a leg with him, Bollywood style!" But Vidya's been having lots of fun with people from Down Under, it seems. While she was in Australia for a film festival on her movies earlier in March, Vidya had gone out partying with friends one day in Melbourne and they'd gone visiting a few gay clubs on Commercial Street. At one of the places, a guy walked up to her and said, "I am gay, but you are really hot. By any chance, are you Kim Kardashian?" Vidya says, "I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled." Before we could ask Smore, she was whisked away by Sabya and that brought an end to the jamboree named WIFW.
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