HYDERABAD: A day after his belligerent posturing against Jaganmohan Reddy, chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy found himself in a tight corner. Having realised that his bravado of challenging the Jagan camp MLAs to resign and get themselves re-elected had backfired on him as it would reduce his government into a minority, the CM tried to buy peace by merely saying that his government's immediate focus is Rachchabanda and nothing else.
Making a quick somersault, the CM said on Sunday, "raat gayi, baat gayi (the issue is over and there's nothing to discuss)."
Kiran had earlier launched a broadside in Delhi on Jagan campers by asking them to quit the party and asserting that his government was not surviving at the mercy of any leader (read Jagan).
The CM was ill at ease here on Sunday while interacting with media personnel on the Rachchabanda programme, which was aimed at bringing the administration to the doorstep of the comman man. Refusing to entertain questions on his vituperative attack on Jagan and other issues, Kiran said: "Let us not talk about anything else other than Rachchabanda programme."
The CM even brushed aside queries on former minister and his bete noire Peddireddy Ramachandra Reddy who defiantly said that he would not allow Rachchabanda to be conducted in the CM's home turf of Chittoor district. " I am only appealing to all public representatives not to politicise the programme since it is aimed at bringing benefits to 1.25 crore people who are below the poverty line," the chief minister said. When asked whether he would stand by his challenge and what he said to the media in Delhi, he merely smiled and said, "raat gayi, baat gayi." While the import of his reply is anybody's guess as the CM is not in a position to dictate terms to any leader at this stage, minister for civil supplies D Sridhar Babu came to his rescue by saying that no motives should be attributed to the remark of the CM as it was made in a "different context."
Meanwhile, the CM listed out the various programmes that would be taken up during the Rachchabanda which would be launched from Srikakulam district on Monday and would continue till February 12. He said he would tour all districts including the 10 Telangana districts as part of the programme. He said the programme would cost the government Rs 2,500 crore and already Rs 1,200 crore has been released.
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